Banking-as-a-Service for Saudi Arabia

The leading banking
as a service provider
in the MENA region

Transform yourself with our white-label banking-as-a-service platform, supercharging your infrastructure while enabling seamless transactions in Saudi Arabia through on-soil deployment.


What we offer


White-labelled offering

Create a bespoke experience tailored to your unique needs


Cost Efficiencies

Cut go-to-market timelines from years to months at a fraction of the cost


Flexible APIs

Leverage 150+ Plug-and-Play open APIs for efficient operations


Program Management

Expert guidance for onboarding, migration, scaling, and program expansion


On-Soil Deployment

Ensure data sovereignty with on-soil deployment and private Cloud instances

The Digital Transformation Imperative

Want to learn more?


The Digital Transformation Imperative for Saudi Arabia's Traditional Banks

Saudi Arabia's traditional banks face mounting pressure to digitize amidst a fast-evolving financial landscape. With over 11 conventional banks like Al Rajhi Bank, Riyad Bank, and Saudi British Bank operating in the Kingdom, these incumbent institutions need to rapidly modernize their offerings.

Card Issuing & Processing

Build the perfect card program and issue Visa or Mastercard Prepaid, Credit & Charge cards instantly.

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Effortlessly manage Multi-currency wallets with our flexible wallet management system & intelligent auto-sweeping features.

Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL)

Provide customizable credit solutions with advanced features such as machine learning-powered rules, an intelligent cohort-based risk engine, and a fully configurable Loan Management System.

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